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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog - 2021 - 22

Oak Tree Class Blog - 2021 - 22

Oak Tree Class 2021-2022

Weekly Update 11/02/22

Mr Ranton (r.ranton) on: Oak Tree Class 2021-2022

What a busy week we have had in school.

First, we had an opportunity to celebrate Safer Internet Day, which was on Tuesday. We discussed the different things we do online (I was very interested to hear the different games and apps pupils enjoyed at home), how we can make kind and respectful choices when on the internet and how to report an incident if it upsets or worries us.

We also celebrated Children's Mental Health Week. We discussed why looking about our mental health and wellbeing was important before taking part in some tasks which could help support us if we are stressed, anxious or worried. We made a list of the different thinks we could 'sense' at that time, wrote a list of positive things about ourselves and made some origami butterflies. 


Please use the attached link, for a step-by-step video, if you would like to make an origami butterfly at home -

In Maths, I have been really impressed with the pupils determination and resilience as we have been working on fractions. There have been some tricky objectives and questions but the pupils have had a really good go at completing the work set and using previous learning to support them.

Weekly Update 04/02/22

Mr Ranton (r.ranton) on: Oak Tree Class 2021-2022

Hi everyone

This week has been National Story Telling Week and we have done a couple of things to celebrate. Throughout the week, we have had DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time. We have done this twice a day to allow a pair of pupils from each class to ring the school bell, that informed everyone when to DEAR. From Oak Tree Class, I chose Lola and Lilly T to ring the school bell. It was really hard to chose only two, but Lola and Lilly T have been working really hard this week and joining in with class discussions. The pupils have really enjoyed DEAR time (hopefully as an opportunity to hear me read, and not to get of work). 

During our DEAR time, we have been reading through Roald Dahl's 'The Twits'. The pupils have engaged well with the gruesome language and dastardly things Mr and Mrs Twit get up to. 

On Wednesday, we also had a very special treat. Ursula the Story Teller came into to school and retold a story to UKS2 in the hall. The story is one of England's oldest folklores and is called 'The Fairy Ointment'. The pupils were able to discuss and adapt the story, which gave them a sense of ownership. At times, you could have heard a pin drop as they were listening to Ursula retelling the tale.

Weekly Update 28/01/22

Mr Ranton (r.ranton) on: Oak Tree Class 2021-2022

Hello everyone

We've had a really good week in Oak Tree Class this week, the pupils have impressed me with their work and learning attitude.

In English, we began drafting and editing our stories. Pupils have done well including the features, like show not tell and setting the mood using the weather, that I am looking for them to use to create more suspense within their work. I am looking forward to reading their published work.

In Maths, we begun our new unit; fractions. I was really impressed with the knowledge and vocabulary the pupils had relating to this topic. We have continued working through other objectives using our times tables/ divisions to support.

The class started their art topic on North American artists and completed some excellent pencil drawings inspired by the portrait artist John Singer Sargent.


Have a great weekend. 

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