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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Oak Tree - Year 5

Oak Tree Class - Year 5


Welcome to our class page!

Year 5 - Oak Tree Class is taught by Mrs Amos and Mr Martindale, with support from Miss Sanderson and Mrs Mallinson

If you need to speak to us, please see us during drop-off times before/after school, email or call 0113 3910906 and we will respond as soon as possible. 

Autumn Curriculum Overview:

  1. I wonder how World War Two affected families in Yorkshire

    • English: Children will be writing to inform and entertain through writing non-chronological reports, diaries, letters and narrative descriptions.
    • Reading: Our class reader is 'Goodnight Mr Tom' by Michelle Magorian. Children will be reading through this text and answering a range of questions to support their comprehension. In addition, the children will be completing a range of other comprehension-based activities. 
    • Maths:Building on place value knowledge, using all four operations to answer problems and fractions
    • Science: Electricity and Animals including Humans
    • Computing: 
      • Sharing Information
      • Safety: Self-Image and Identity
      • Video production
    • Music: Ukulele sessions, weekly singing and a World War Two Christmas
    • DT: Super seasonal cooking
    • History: Understanding the key events of WW2 and how they affected families in Yorkshire.
    • PE: Tag rugby and netball
    • RE: 
      • How and why are Jewish festivals celebrated today?
      • How do Buddhists live a meaningful life?
    • PSHE:
      • Me and my relationships
      • Valuing differences 
    • French: 
    • Myself
    • Family

Our Weekly Routines

Home Reading: This will be central to your child’s progress this year. The expectation in Year 5 is that pupils read for 10 - 15 minutes, 5 times per week. Please record the book and page number in your child’s home reading record, which needs to be brought into school everyday.

Finished books need to be returned to school, where they will be reviewed and changed. 

Spellings: Pupils will be introduced to a weekly spelling pattern on a FridayThey will complete a range of activities throughout the week, in school, relating to this spelling pattern.

Homework: This will be issued on a Friday and returned the following Wednesday. Please encourage your child to check the basics carefully (neat handwriting, capital letters, full stops) and to take pride in their presentation. It's also great if you can chat through their Maths homework too.


PE: Oak Tree Class have PE on a Monday and a Thursday. On these days, children will need to come to school in their PE kits (including suitable footwear) and will stay in their kits all day. They may also wear a school jumper or Rufford Park hoodie.

Please ensure your child can cover their ear piercings/has removed ear piercings before school or can do so independently before all PE lessons. This is for reasons of safety.


WW2 visit to Worth Valley Railway

Click here for Oak Tree Class 2019 - 2020 highlights