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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Cherry Tree Class Blog

Cherry Tree Class Blog



Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Weekly Post 07.05.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

It has been good to be back at school this week.

We have continued to learn about fractions this week and have spent some time revisiting the home learning from last week.  The children have worked well and are beginning to have a much better understanding of fractions.

In English we have been using a new story for our writing: 'The Village of Round and Square Houses'.  The children have enjoyed listening to the story and have done some lovely written work.

We have continued our topic 'Message in a Bottle'. The children have been learning about the continents and oceans of the world.  Next week we will be learning about some different explorers.

Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs Moore       

Weekly Post 30.04.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

It has been a very unusual week for Cherry Tree Class.  Our Class Bubble had to close on Monday which was a shock and disappointment to us all. The children have coped fantastically, continuing their learning on Teams. We are so proud of them!

We have continued to use the story 'Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain' for our writing.  The children have written diary entries as the main character Ki-Pat and described the setting of the story.

In maths we have continued to learn about fractions.  We have been looking at quarters and thirds.  We will continue this work when we are back in school next week.

In our topic 'Message in a Bottle', the children have been learning about the continents of the world.  We have also been learning about Captain Cook.  The children have drawn some amazing pictures of him!

The children have used their computing skills using teams and joining our live class sessions.  We had a good turnout on both sessions which was really good to see.

Thank you children and parents for all your hard work and support this week.  You have all been fantastic!

Enjoy your weekend (once you can go out again).

See you all on Tuesday.

Mrs Moore and Miss Jones 

Weekly Post 23.04.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

We have had a lovely first week of the Summer Term in Cherry Tree Class.  The fantastic weather has really helped and the children have enjoyed being able to play outside without needing to wrap up!

This half term our topic is 'Message in a Bottle'.  We have started this off by learning about the famous explorer Christopher Columbus.  The children have been learning about his life and the importance of his discoveries.  We have also thought about the bad things about his discoveries; especially how the local people were treated.

In English we are looking at stories from different cultures.  We have been looking at the story 'Bringing the Rain to Kapiti Plain' by Verna Aardema.  This is a traditional story set in Kenya.  The children have written predictions about the story and character descriptions.

In maths we are learning about fractions.  This week we have just focused on a half.  We have looked at finding a half of shapes, objects and numbers.  We have talked lots about the importance of fractions being 'equal' parts.

The children will all, from now on, have their reading books for the weekend.  These will be changed each Monday.  This should give them more time to read at home and re-read  books.  Reading books for a second or even third time will help with their fluency and understanding.  Thank you for your continued support listening to your child read at home.

Enjoy your weekend.  I think it is going to be a sunny one!

Mrs Moore 


Weekly Post 01.04.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

We have come to the end of another term.  The past few weeks have gone so quickly and the children have worked so hard. I am so proud of all of them.  I think they will all be ready for a well deserved rest!

It has been great to be back at school properly and to do some proper face-to-face teaching and learning.

This week has been shorter but we have packed lots in. 

The children have continued to work on their tennis skills with Henry.  We will be carrying on with tennis for a few weeks after the holidays to complete the unit.     

The children have also had the opportunity to take part in a virtual music workshop this week.  They have enjoyed doing some call and respond voice work and creating some fruit inspired music using percussion instruments. It was a very noisy session but the class had great fun! 

Today we have had a creative day!  We have enjoyed making Easter themed creations and spending time with our friends. The children all looked 'Happy' in their own clothing.

The children all have 2 books to read over the holidays.  Please encourage your child to read throughout the holidays.  Reading the same book for a second or third time will help them to improve their fluency and overall understanding.  After the Easter holidays we will be going back to changing books on a Monday and allowing the children to have them over the weekend.  This will give them more opportunities to read at home.   

Thank you for all your support this term especially with home learning.  The work that children have done at home has really benefited them, you have all done a great job. 

Wishing you all a happy and safe Easter holiday.

Mrs Moore  


At Rufford Park we have signed up to a very exciting online art exhibition this year called the Young Artists’ Summer Show which is run by the Royal Academy of Arts. We would like as many of you as possible to get involved and submit your work! 

The Young Artists' Summer Show love seeing your personality, imagination, thoughts and feelings shine through your artwork. They believe art is about expressing yourself in a way that comes naturally to you. There are no rules, your submission can be created using any art materials you like. You could paint, sketch or even sculpt! 

If you're thinking about creating something for the exhibition but aren't sure how to get started, why not set aside some time this half-term to get your creative juices flowing? All great art starts somewhere! For more information about the exhibition and ideas about how to get started please visit

Weekly Post 26.03.21

Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Another week has gone by so quickly!

We have continued our work on the Three Little Pigs but this week we have been using an alternative version, 'The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig'.  We have written predictions using picture clues and diary entries as the Pig.  The children have all enjoyed this different version of the story.

In maths we have been solving word problems, using all 4 operations.  The children have been looking for clues in the vocabulary used to help them to know which operation to use and then writing the number sentence before solving.  I have been very impressed with their work.

The children have really been enjoying their PE sessions with our PE coach Henry.  We have been doing 'Mini Tennis'.  They have all really improved their skills and can now hit the ball with a simple serve.

Next Thursday is a non-uniform day.  The theme is to wear something that makes you happy. The children will not be doing PE on this day so PE kit will not be required.

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Moore 


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