Oak Tree Class Blog
Oak Tree Class Blog
Week 3, ending 10 March
Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog
It’s funny how everything flies out of your head when the words ‘Snow Day’ are uttered? I nearly forgot the blog and I have nearly forgotten all we did this week!
We have just about completed a very tricky unit in English on Balanced Arguments – you may find that your children are now much more able to persuade you to do/buy/have something they would like. And, bonus, we have been discussing the importance of being able to see things from two differing points of view – worthwhile skills for life, I believe.
Maths has been learning about decimals to two places – again, this is a tough area for many, so it would be super-helpful if you could highlight these numbers in areas like money and measurement in real life. It can make a mighty difference.
Our DT models have now been evaluated and the children were so happy to be bringing them home – I hope you have been suitably impressed by the workings of their models.
Rehearsals for Joseph will dominate much of next week – really hope you are not too bored by the song words yet…although I know many of you already knew them from your own Joseph performances, back in the day! But we are all very excited about our performances on 22 and 23 March.
Have a great weekend – including a snow day.
Mrs Adrienne Amos
Week 2, ending 3 March
Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog
Well done to these two this week!
Reader: Ethan
Special Mention: Olivia
So much fabulous effort has gone in to Reading and other related activities, due to World Book Day, so it was v tricky choosing just two children this week.
It has been a super week and we have had a lot of fun designing and creating our WBD t-shirts. Lots of creativity – many thanks to all those parents who helped to inspire your child with this task; it was lovely to see so many ‘home’ reading books come into school and they certainly helped the process.
‘Joseph’ rehearsals continue and more information should be coming your way soon, with key timings and dates. Also, many of you have been costume-seeking too – thank you. The production will look fantastic!
In science, we have just finished a unit on Animals and their Habitats, culminating in a session where we compared life cycles of two different animals and we have started our new French unit, too: all about the Seasons.
As the French say, bienvenue au printemps!
Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Adrienne Amos
Week 1, ending 24 February
Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog
I have decided that each week from now, I will include the winners of the weekly certificates in my blog.
Reader of the week – Lillian
Special Mention – Violet
Well done, girls! Keep up the fab work! Come on boys – raise your game!
In this first week back, we have been welcomed into class each morning by the sounds of K-Pop. Mixed opinions about that genre of music, I can assure you!
In Maths, we have finally completed the second unit on fractions, but I am certain we will keep recapping this important aspect of arithmetic as the year progresses. In English, we have been getting really stuck in to researching for our new text type: balanced arguments. One learning objective in Y5 is to create questions to aid understanding, so homework this week is for the children to research (internet) answers to their self-created questions. It would be very helpful if you could ensure they have some access to a device to be able to find this information. The children know that this work is needed in school on Monday, as we start to plan our writing then.
In RE, we have nearly finished our learning on Values and we have made some really thoughtful bunting to decorate our classroom on the theme of ‘peace’. An activity that seemed especially poignant this week as we mark the one year anniversary of the troubles in Ukraine.
I hope you have a lovely weekend – remember, it’s World Book Day on Thursday and I would love it if the children could bring in their favourite book on Weds/Thursday to help us with the t-shirt decorating.
Mrs Amos
Week 6, ending 10 February 2023
Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog
What a busy week! It’s been a very full week for Oak Tree class, including two Parents’ Evenings - and it has been lovely to see so many of you.
Country music has welcomed us in each morning on this week of Internet Safety. We have enjoyed a variety of safety activities, including lots of discussions, drama and reading. Hopefully, the children have begun to take in the message (if they hadn't already) about talking to someone if they see/experience something troubling on the internet. For more information on this topic, go to the following website: https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/parents-and-carers
We have finally finished Multiplication and Division for the term – yippee! But it’s back to Fractions, when we return, so do please keep practising those valuable times tables at home.
Our rainforest topic will continue for a short while after half term, but we will soon be moving on to learn all about The Maya. (This could be something the children research over half term, if they would like to.)
In French, we have now learned the vocabulary for Fruits and Vegetables – this has been a lot of fun! Check your children’s knowledge – see what they have remembered.
Have a lovely half term and we shall see you on Monday, 20th February.
Mrs Amos
Week 5, ending 3 February 2023
Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog
Each morning, we have been listening to pop/rap music in Oak Tree Class this week and, along with our singing sessions for Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat and our regular Ukulele lessons, we have definitely been experiencing a Music-Fest! It has been a lot of fun learning the songs for Joseph – I am sure many of our parents will have experienced this fantastic school show, too. RPPS auditions have started this week.
In our maths lessons, Miss Smith has been teaching us more about Multiplication this week and next week, we move into Division. Please continue to practise those times tables – it seems to be the 6s, 7s and 8s that cause us the most stress!
The children have used their knowledge of the layers of the rainforest to write a rhyming poem in English. This task has given us many opportunities to connect two (or even three) subject areas together. Often, we find that when children can revisit a concept (eg Science) in another subject area (eg English), the knowledge stays with them for longer. In Y5, I am trying to encourage them to hang onto as much knowledge as they can! (Like how to multiply by a 2-digit number). This skill becomes increasingly necessary for the children, as they move up through Y6 and into high school. (Eeeeeek!)
Our science sessions link somewhat with our topic this term, as we are looking at plants and animals in their habitats. This week, we have looked at different types of mammals. (Note: I have learned a brand new word this week in science! See if your child can tell you what it is and what it means. Some days we are teachers and some days we are learners!)
Hopefully more and more of you have paid for the World Book Day t-shirt – this promises to be a lot of fun! – and here are the details of what we are intending to do again.
Finally, a reminder about our plans for World Book Day which is coming up in March. We recently sent a letter to all parents detailing our plans to hold a decorate a t shirt theme for the first time. We kindly ask that all financial contributions are made by next Thursday (Thursday 2nd Feb) to allow us an appropriate length of time to order t shirts and the resources required to decorate them (and of course to give the children chance to decorate them before WBD!). We have received some queries this week regarding sizing for t shirts - please note all children will receive an oversized t shirt as this will give them much more space for their book cover design and ensure every child in school has a suitable t shirt to wear.
I hope you have a lovely weekend – February at last!
Mrs Adrienne Amos