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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 4, ending 10 May

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 4, ending 10 May.

Reader:  Henry

Special Mention: Lilly W

Fantastic efforts from for these children this week!

It has been a short week, but a very busy one nonetheless! Reggae music has accompanied our Early Bird Maths, with Bob Marley being the out and out winner in popularity!

We have now completed our maths unit on area and perimeter, so the homework this weekend reflects this; in English, the first drafts of the fabulous Rufford Park Primary School leaflets have been finished and now await editing and publication; more has been learned about some ancient Greek traditions in topic sessions – that of the Olympics and in PE, we continue to further skills in cricket.

In a bid to improve the children’s reading skills for Year 6, I have been encouraging the children to read meanings ‘behind the words’ – inference skills.

Eg Alex had a frown on his face and was dragging his feet as he walked. From this sentence, we can tell that Alex was having a bit of a bad day; he was feeling unhappy or grumpy and did not want to go where he was heading.

While you are reading with your children for the rest of the year, it would be so helpful if you could ask questions that require the children to think a little bit more deeply about the text. I am sending home a Reading Wheel, which might help you with this. Please encourage your child to read five times per week and to fill in the reading record books too. I can see/hear such a difference in their reading aloud when they are reading often at home.

We welcomed Mrs Stuart into Oak Tree Class on Thursday afternoon – she will be teaching my Y5s on Thursdays each week as I have time out of class for planning and preparation. Hopefully, she will enjoy teaching this group of children as much as I do!

I hope you have a lovely weekend – I think the weather is supposed to be fab, so fingers crossed!


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 3, ending 3 May

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Destiny

Special Mention: Luke

A super week for these children!


We have enjoyed listening to ‘Power Ballads’ all week – a lot of confusion occurred around the name of Meatloaf though! Miss Sanderson and I enjoyed a trip down Memory Lane when listening to Seal on Thursday!

In Maths, we have moved from calculating the perimeter of shapes to calculating their area. This week’s homework is on the concept of perimeter, so any adult support would be gratefully received, I am sure. On the whole, the children have become very responsible about completing and handing in homework on time – this is a really great way to be prepared for life further up the school.

In English, our leaflets about Rufford Park are coming along nicely – it is interesting to hear how focused the children are on their ‘audience’ for this piece of work. This has been very motivating for them. I think our prospective parents are in for a treat! In our Grammar lesson, we tried to get to grips with using commas to help keep the writing clear. There was much hilarity at: Let’s eat Grandma and At the weekend, Mrs Amos enjoys baking her children and her cat.

(Commas, it seems, can save lives…)

Have a lovely Bank Holiday weekend!

See you back here on Tuesday.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 2, ending 26 April

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Corey

Special Mention: Callum

A special well done to these children!

We have all really enjoyed listening to ‘funk’ music at the start of our day – Play that Funky Music, by Wild Cherry definitely got the best reaction!

As you know, we start our week in Oak Tree Class with a ukulele lesson. This half term we are being composers, which is turning out to be quite a challenge but a really fun unit. Mr Jennings has encouraged the children to find 4 chords that they can play and put some simple lyrics and a melody to it. It is early days so far, but the children’s enthusiasm has been through the roof!

In Maths, we have finished our unit on decimals and percentages and have also furthered our arithmetic skills, looking especially at a method for short division. I am hoping that your child is keeping you up to date with their recent arithmetic scores – each time we take a new test, we aim to improve our score by at least 1 more! All tests (at present) are out of 32 and it is pleasing how many children are reaching the late-twenties or early-thirties in their scores.


In English, we have begun a brand new theme of leaflets. To give the children a different ‘audience’, they are writing persuasive leaflets about our fantastic school for prospective parent to RPPS. It is likely to take a couple more weeks, but we hope to share some fabulous writing with your (*and our Reception Team too!) at the end of it. 

Cricket continues in PE, our Science unit is learning about Space and in PSHE, we have been looking at Stereotyping.

I hope you have a lovely weekend – homework this weekend is Spellings and a sheet on converting fractions to percentages.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 1, ending 19 April.

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Tom

Special Mention: Amber

A fantastic start for these children!


Welcome back to school for Summer 1 – the countdown to your children moving up to Year 6! Every morning, the children have been listening to a little opera as they worked. (The song from Mr Bean most certainly gained the biggest reaction – O Mio Babbino Caro!)


In Maths, we have been learning all about percentages – and especially how they link with fractions and decimals. It has been a really good start to this topic – this week’s Maths homework is on this topic.


As the children seemed to enjoy last term’s class novel (King of the Cloud Forest by Michael Morpurgo), we have spent much of our English time planning and writing book reviews. It was pleasing to see how many children gave the book 4 or 5 stars in their reviews. This term’s class novel s by Maz Evans and is called ‘Who Let the Gods out?’ The children have looked at the cover, made predictions and read and discussed the blurb for it so far – we shall start reading it very soon. They seem to be looking forward to it.


PE this half term is Cricket – two fun lessons have happened already this week. We have been practising basic skills so to start off with, but we will soon move onto small games of cricket. We have also done a Daily Mile session and two mini Pilates slots.


While our Y6 peers have been on their exciting residential visit to Peat Rigg, the Year 5s have been spending time learning all about the artist, Romero Britto and have had a go at creating a spring-themed picture, using his very recognisable style.


As you can tell, it has been a busy start – and I haven’t even mentioned the fabulous songwriting project in our ukulele session with Mr Jennings – more about that next week!


Have a super weekend.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 6, ending 28 March

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 6, ending 28 March


Special Mention:

None, due to Good Friday holiday


Phew! We made it – and in one piece!!

Jazz music has ended the term for us in Oak Tree Class – Ella Fitzgerald seemed to be the most preferred performer, I think.

In maths, we continue to work hard on understanding decimals and the children have been amazing at this particular unit! There is work on percentages next term and once this work is completed, it is hoped that all the children’s arithmetic test scores will improve – I spoke to many of you at the last Parents’ Evening about this. Hopefully a great score has been reached this week and that your child has shared it with you! 

In English, we have covered some very important grammar, including how we do (and do NOT!) use commas in our sentences. I hope this will help to raise the standard of all written work moving into Y6.

Our school visit to St John’s Church was an adventure for RE this week. Rev Richard explained the Easter story very well and the children were engrossed throughout! Excellent behaviour from all involved too.

We are eagerly anticipating the Easter Egg Scramble here on the final day of term, along with our After Show Party! I hope the Easter Bunny is good to you all – and you have lots of goodies to feast on!

Have a super Easter,


Mrs Adrienne Amos

PS Just to say, PE for Oak Tree Class next term will be on Thursdays and Fridays.

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