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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 5, ending 9 February 2024

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Henry M

Special Mention: Finn

Well done to these children this week!


Rap and Hip Hop have greeted the children each morning – don’t worry though, I have vetted each and every song to ensure a ‘clean’ version has been played!

This week has been Internet Safety Week – and here is a link for you to follow and hopefully help to start a conversation with your children about this very important subject.

We have spent quite a lot of time in discussion about how important it is that we keep ourselves as safe online, as we do irl. (in real life!)

Maths has been the short method for division, but we are also introducing an Arithmetic Test each week in Y5. This is in a bid to prepare the children well for their prospective work in Y6so any help you can give your child in addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and fractions would be very helpful. Each child has the aim to improve the score (even by one mark!)) each week. Science has been more about Forces and we also learned about the Water Cycle in our Topic session – which seems more science-y than geography really. But it does filter in nicely with work on rivers. We had our inter-team rugby tournament as well in PE. A very busy week!

Letters should be in bags about costumes for Oliver and the song words should be there too!

A fun half term was finished with our second try at Oak Tree's Got Talent. Winners pics are attached! First = Da Squirting Squirtles and Second was Amber

Have a super half term.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 4, ending 2 February

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Rumina

Special Mention: Luke

Well done to these children this week!

At last January is over!! Woop! What an inordinately long month it seemed to be!!

Another busy busy week in Oak Tree Class, but we really seem to be motoring through the Y5 curriculum and seeing some great progress!

Our music genre this week has been Disco – and even though YMCA probably received the largest response, the Bee Gees ‘Stayin’ Alive’ had lots of heads bopping to the beat!

We have finally completed our non-chronological reports and each child has produce a fantastic double page spread on the theme of Twinned Towns/Sister Cities. Miss Suggitt and I hope to display them as soon as possible.

Methods for long multiplication have been learned in maths – some of you may well recall the ‘grid method’? Lots of children have really seen the benefit of using this technique before moving onto the more traditional algorithm for long multiplication. Homework this week reflects this learning – please do support your child in these questions and encourage them to show all their working out.

We have continued learning the skills for Tag Rugby in PE and next week, there is hopefully going to be an intra-school Tag Rugby competition which is very exciting! [Pray for good weather!!]

An extra home learning task the children have been set is to try to memorise as many US state names as they can – and, if possible, their abbreviated form eg NY for New York, FL for Florida. This work complements our studies in geography, where we will soon be comparing Yorkshire with the Western USA. Many children are thoroughly enjoying this work, I am pleased to say.

I hope you all enjoy your weekends,


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 2, ending 26 January, 2024

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

 HMD 2 HMD reflective artwork

Reader: Lilly W

Special Mention: Corey

A super week for these children especially!

As the children have come into class each morning, their ears have been assailed with the sounds of ‘Girl Power’ bands. It is probably no surprise to hear that the Spice Girls caused the best reaction!

In English lessons, we have been continuing to write non-chronological reports about the city of Leeds and a town it has been twinned with. The children have found it interesting to research facts, not only about places as far afield as Durban, South Africa, but also about their own city! Hopefully, these pieces of work will be completed next week.

In Maths, work has begun on long multiplication – once again, it is clear that the children who have a ready knowledge of their times tables have found this unit much easier than those who don’t. Please spend time practising these at home, if your child struggles to recall these facts. 6x, 7x and 8x seem to be the weakest tables in Oak Tree Class. Homework this weekend will be to consolidate this method – good luck!

Along with PE, Computing, Art, French and other subjects, we have spent time creating a piece of art work on the theme of the Fragility of Freedom. This work will be displayed in school, to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day (27th January). I was really touched by the sensitive and mature approach the children displayed towards this subject.

Enjoy your weekend,


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 2, ending 19 January 2024

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Ezmae

Special Mention: Daisyrose

A special well done to these children!

This week, Rock has been the genre of music the children have entered into class with. Foo Fighters seem to have been the most popular rock band, judging by the head banging I witnessed!

In English, we have begun to research information to be able to write non chronological reports. We have each chosen a city or town that has been twinned with Leeds and we are finding all about similarities and differences between the two places. It is very interesting.

In Maths, we have finished Fractions – hurray! Next week, we will begin working on Multiplication and Division, so any extra time you can find to spend on revising all those times tables (up to 12 x 12) will be time well spent. In this unit, methods for long multiplication and short division are covered and times table knowledge is of paramount importance for both. 

In Art this term, we are looking at US artists and their work - particularly American landscapes. This week, we explored the work of John Singer Sargent and tried hard to draw ‘the other half’ of one of his paintings. The final results were spectacular! We used pencil crayons, but we shall be exploring other media as the term progresses.

PE continues to be Tag Rugby and Modern Dance. The children work extremely well in these sessions and give their all at all times. Due to the icy conditions though, Tag Rugby had to be held indoors.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend – some of you will probably be listening to children learning lines for our production of Oliver! The children have until half term to learn all their lines and cues – they are all so very keen, which is marvellous.

Homework is Maths and Spellings – words with the suffix -ity.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 1, ending 12 January 2024

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Ruby

Special Mention: Destiny

Well done to these children!


Welcome back to school for Spring Term 1! Metal Music has greeted the children every day – from Linkin’ Park, to Twister Sister via a bit of AC/DC! We have had a very enjoyable first week.

Music was also a big start for ten of our pupils, as we took part in the first Young Voices Performance in Sheffield. The girls (for there were only girls in the choir from my class) behaved impeccably, representing the school superbly and thoroughly enjoyed themselves, I think. Singing along to a live band with over 4,500 voices was quite something.... If you get chance, try to watch a young drummer, Nandi Bushell, on YouTube. She was one of the amazing guest artists for the concert and we were all blown away by her talent.

Speaking of talent - Y5 Auditions have taken place this week for the speaking roles in Oliver! More details about these will trickle through to you next week, I am certain! But it is safe to say, that Miss Suggett and I were incredibly impressed by the auditions and we are truly excited about our upcoming show.

Wednesday formed the Launch Day for our new topic – My Region and the Western USA  - quite a wordy title, but we will predominantly be looking at rivers and mountains, comparing the two regions with a geography base. On this day, all the children participated in a workshop -style session, learning skills that will enable the new topic to be a success.

Fractions continue in Maths – but we are nearing the end of this super long (and super important) unit.

And in English, we have spent time discussing our achievements from 2023 and our hopes for 2024. This was linked to Mr Cooke’s assembly on the Roman god Janus, who is depicted as having two faces: one to see the past; the other to see the future.

Please remember: our PE sessions this week are on Thursdays and Fridays now.

Have a great weekend,

Mrs Adrienne Amos

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