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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 3, ending 5 May

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these pupils!

Reader of the Week: Tilly

Special mention Pupil: Melissa

Powerful ballads have started our mornings off all week – Whitney H being the firm favourite amongst Oak Tree Class, I believe!

In this week’s assembly, we were told that Mr Cooke and Mr Spence have signed us up to a Mini Marathon over the next two weeks. Please don’t be surprised if you are told that PE kit is allowed to be worn on another day, as Oak Tree Class is very keen to do the Weekly Mile. Usually, our PE sessions are on Tuesdays and Fridays, but a Weekly Mile session may also be introduced for Oak Tree Class on Wednesdays or Thursdays. Taking part in the Mini Marathon has been very much enjoyed this week – and everyone wants to participate even more next week. This is very encouraging.

In Maths, we have finally concluded Fractions, Decimals and Percentages for Y5 – yahoo! Onto Area and Perimeter next week. Also, we have finished writing Healthy Lunchbox leaflets for our Y2 pupils, so next week we shall be exploring more about our class novel, Darwin’s Dragons. The story has been exciting so far.

Wildlife drawing forms the main part of our Art sessions this term and I have been so impressed with the sketches and drawings (of feathers and birds) I have seen already. It would be really useful if you could encourage the children to look out local birdlife and observe and recognise details of the plumage.

Have a super long weekend!


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Summer Week 2, ending 28 April

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

What an effective week we have had! Our class music theme has been ‘funk music’ and it has certainly set us all up for full and funky lessons!

Well done to these pupils!

Reader of the Week: Esmay

Special mention Pupil: Aleah

Our tricky Maths unit on Fractions, Decimals and Percentages is gradually coming to a close – just a few more sessions left. This week we have been looking at how Percentages relate to Fractions and to Decimals. It would be really helpful if you could help your child recall these simple conversions:

½ = 0.5 = 50%

1/10 = 0.1 = 10%

1/5 = 0.2 = 20%

¼ = 0.25 = 75%

¾ = 0.75 = 75%   and any other related facts.

In our English lessons, we have been researching for and designing a special leaflet about Healthy Packed Lunches, which we plan to share/give to a Y2 child next week. It is at the end of Y2 that parents/children choose whether to continue with school dinners or move onto packed lunches, so the children’s leaflets will help the younger pupils consider healthy options…we hope!

In History, we looked at the interesting life of Charles Darwin, which links nicely with our new class story, Darwin’s Dragons, which we started reading last week. In Science, we considered how the heart works. Our Athletics session was a very high energy session, as we looked at strategies to help us when running longer distances. The children worked brilliantly in this lesson - on possibly the hottest day of the week! :) 

Our ukulele lessons continued – we are looking at and working on playing the ’12 bar blues’ Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire is turning out to be a firm favourite!

Have a lovely long weekend!


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Summer 1, wk 1, ending 21 April

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Welcome back to school, after a lovely two weeks off. I hope you had some fab family time.

Well done to these pupils!

Reader of the Week: Archie

Special mention Pupil: Ted

The children have returned to school in a really sensible manner – and we have spent some time discussing how this is the final term before they move up to Year 6. We have been talking about the qualities of a Quality Y6 child and decided that everyone is well on track to be a mature, reliable, and hardworking student in Y6!

In English lessons, we have focused on three specific skills: retrieval, deduction and inference. These are the main skills that demonstrate a clear understanding of texts read. No longer are pupils expected to retrieve simple facts when they read. Instead, they are asked to ‘explain thoughts’, ‘show how you know’ and ‘give an opinion’. These would be helpful strategies/questions for parents to employ and encourage when hearing your child read. Please remember that at Rufford Park, we do encourage children to read to an adult at least three times each week. Even in Year 5!

In Maths, we have looked at how we are expected to round decimals numbers – to the nearest who number and to a certain number of decimal places.

Our French vocabulary on the Weather is increasing each week and in science, we explored the how micro-organisms can be both harmful AND helpful in our daily lives.

Homework continues in the Summer Term – once again, spellings and maths revision. If you know that your child still struggles with certain times tables (7s and 8s seem to be the pesky ones for Oak Tree pupils!), please spend some time (in the car, on the bus or even at the supermarket!).

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 6, ending 31 March 2023

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Super efforts from these children this week!

Reader: Kadie

Special Mention: Oliver

Reading Ambassador: Charlie

And we’ve made it!

Never has an end of term been so welcome – this term seems to have been very long indeed. After all the excitement of Joseph, it has been a lovely calm end to the term, where we have been able to focus on some work in the classroom. The Easter story has featured quite heavily – and not just for Easter treats(!) as the children have spent time in Assemblies and in class, learning about the significance of this festival for Christians around the world.

We have also furthered our learning of decimals in maths and enjoyed a science lesson, where each small group, using their knowledge of classification. created their own imaginary creature. Then another group classified their curious creature against the criteria we have studied.

The highlight of our week has to have been the Easter Egg Scramble - what a marvellous tradition! But sadly, we said 'Goodbye' to Miss Hanna too, as she moves on to another role in another school. We are very sad, but we wish her well.

I hope you have a really happy holiday – enjoy the break!


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 5, ending 24 March

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Special well done to these two pupils this week:

Reader: Anesu

Special mention: Maisy

It has been quite an odd week in many ways as we have not only been planning and performing Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, but we have been doing our termly assessments too! I have been really impressed with how calm the children have been while we have been doing these assessments, given the background of our very exciting show!

The Joseph performances have been splendid and the cast and crew have totally ‘raised their game’ for Show Week. I am a very proud teacher this week.

As well as this, we have drawn detailed images of sloths, read even more of our class reading book, The Explorer, and begun an exciting story writing unit in English.

Many thanks for all your support during the lead up to Joseph – it is very much appreciated!


Mrs Adrienne Amos

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