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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar week ending 19.05.23 Wk 5 Summer 2

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have been exploring the Lascaux cave paintings/Skara Brae village in our Stone Age topic this week and started to create descriptive words and phrases that we could use in our English writing setting descriptions. This follows on from our explorations of Stonehenge in the virtual world. 

In Computing the children have continued to use the programme Scratch to create coding projects and I was amazed by their skills and creative abilities already.

We were able to show off our Design and Technology skills too this week to some of the school's governors where we were exploring all things Strawberry using our senses as part of our Edible Garden unit. Yum yum!

Year 4 have continued to practise their mental maths times table recall in preparation for their upcoming Department for Education Multiplication Timestable Check.

Have a happy weekend,

Mr Dring

Cedar Week ending 12.05.23 Summer 1 Week 4

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Yet another short week due to the bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III but no less busy. The children are enthralled about all things sunflowers - enthusiastically checking, measuring and logging their own plant's height (mm and cm) everyday. 

We have started our unit on descriptive settings - finding the skill of personification the most fun so far. In Maths, we have explored a range of topics including capacity, volume, fractions (tenths, hundredths) and decimals.

Have a great weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Summer 1 w/e 05.05.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have been particularly active this week with connecting being an ongoing theme, despite the bank holiday Monday. Cedar class have undertaken at least 1 mile each for the Guinness World Record mini marathon attempt Mr Cooke challenged all of us to complete in his assembly this week. Although we found it a challenge, everyone successfully completed it and some even challenged themselves further by completing a longer distance and I am so proud of each child for taking part. We linked this event to our British values too as we had to vote and pledge to complete it - making connections to those adults in the local community who may be voting this Thursday in local elections.

Our herbs and sunflowers are starting to grow and we can't wait for the next stage or transplanting them into larger pots for their next step in their lifecycle. We are using this opportunity to measure and link to our future statistics unit in Maths too. We will finish our Friday afternoon this week with a historical focus on the King's coronation and create some linked art pieces.

Have a wonderful extended weekend.

Mr Dring

Cedar Summer 1 week 2 w.e 28.04.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


This week we have been busy planting our herbs as part of our Edible Garden Design and Technology unit and also will be planting sunflowers in preparation for our Science Plants unit next half term. We are also busy finishing drafting our instructional texts linked to our Stone Age topic. We enjoyed learning about all things safety related with the Leeds Road Safety Team either on foot or scooter - a valuable life skill for the children (see photo links below). In Music we are continuing to celebrate the history of music with The Storm. In Maths we are finishing our first units on fractions, mixed numbers and their equivalents and moving onto Decimals and mass (g, kg).

Have a happy, safe and fun extended weekend and I will see you and the children on our return on Tuesday.

Mr Dring

Year 3 Photo

Year 4 Photo

Cedar Summer 1 Week 1 w/e 21.04.23

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had a really positive start back from the Easter break and have delved straight into out learning tasks with great enthusiasm. We are all really enjoying learning about our new unit Stone Age to Iron Age - we will see if this is even more than the Volcano unit - already we know Otley Chevin is a site we could visit on a weekend to seek out the Iron Age settlement remains. In Reading we are all reading Stone Age Boy and love the illustrations that helps us understand the text too. In English we are learning how to write instructional texts to help people understand how to do certain tasks e.g follow a recipe. Our P.E this half term involves Y4 swimming, Y3/4 hockey and Y3 athletics.

Reminder on Monday that we all have either Year 3 or Year 4 Scooter or Road Safety workshops run by Leeds Road Safety Team which we are all looking forward to. 

May I remind you that if you are unsure of dates or details for school events please contact school directly in the first instance. Unfortunately, this week we have had some children and parent/carers confused because a message has been shared via social media that contains inaccurate or mistaken information. Occasionally, for logistical reasons, different timings will apply for children in the different LKS2 classes and so messages may differ depending on the class/year group your child is in. Remember, for contact you have myself as classroom teacher, the Cedar class email account and either email/phone or face to face contact via the school office to support you.

I wish you a happy and safe weekend.

Thank you

Mr Dring

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