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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Ash Tree - Year 5/6
  3. Ash Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Ash Tree Class Blog

Ash Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 12.7.24

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


This week we enjoyed welcoming parents and carers into school to watch our Year 6 Leavers' Show. It was the first time we have done a show like this (written AND performed by the children!) as they shared their favourite memories from their time at Rufford Park. Year 6 were also very excited as they received their Leavers' hoodies this week which were kindly paid for by the Friends of Rufford Park again. Here they are in their final RP photoshoot!

Next week, we have the Leavers' Disco to look forward to on Tuesday night. Year 6 can arrive from 5pm for their pizza party and Year 5 from 5.30pm for the start of the disco. After the disco, we will upload a gallery onto the website featuring all the highlights of the Year 6s' last few weeks in school. 

In amongst this busy week for Year 6, the Year 5's in Ash have been an absolute delight (as always!). They have been working brilliantly on publishing their Greek myths into a book, finishing off a research project about the legacy of Ancient Greece and also spent part of Tuesday afternoon volunteering across EYFS and KS1! I have no doubt they are ready for Year 6 and will be an asset to the school next year! 

Have a good weekend! Enjoy the football... 


Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update 5.7.24

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


We have had another busy busy week! 

Most of Y6 visited their new high school, Benton Park, for a transition day on Tuesday. Y5 also went to Benton Park on Wednesday to watch a performance of School of Rock. 

Year 6 have mostly spent the week preparing for their Leavers' show next week whilst Year 5 have been really busy writing some fantastic Greek myths! We are hoping to publish these into a book before the end of term so we can share our fantastic writing with other children around school. 

The Year 6 performance is on Tuesday at 2pm. Please contact the office for tickets. 

Have a fabulous weekend! 

Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update 28.6.24

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


This week we have had lots going on... again! 

Year 6 have been busy writing and preparing for their Leavers' Show. 

Year 5 have been writing their Greek Myths. 

Most of Year 6 visited Benton Park on Wednesday for their first transition day. 

All of the Ash Tree Year 5's and and Year 6's not going to Benton Park visited the ALPT art exhibition on Wednesday, Have a look at what we got up to on the Facebook page here.

Year 6 had their second and final "Grow a Fiver" marketplace event on Thursday afternoon. See the highlights here.

On Friday morning, Year 6 had some visitors from MindMate who ran some transition themed workshops. 

Have a good weekend! 

Miss Bairstow

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