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Cedar Tree Class Blog


24/25 Blog 4 Cedar w.e 04.10.24

Posted: Oct 1, 2024 by: Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have been exploring a variety of descriptive devices this week as we continue to write our 'Day in the Life of a Roman Soldier' which have including a range of Year 3 and 4 spellings, fronted adverbials (one misty morning,), inverted commas (speech marks) and how to use emotions to add interest for the reader.

In reading, we have developed our vocabulary skills by honing our dictionary searching skills using our class novel 'Thieves of Ostia.' In Science, we have continued to group and classify animals using vocabulary such as vertebrates and invertebrates.

Roman Day photos - please see our class page on our website for the photos from our day/s at Murton Park. I have uploaded a gallery of pictures for you.

In Maths, we have been rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000 in Year 4 and in Year 3 using our knowledge of number bonds to answers e.g if I know 3 + 4 = 7 then 30 + 40 = 70 so 300 + 400 = 700. Here are some documents you might want to work through with your child to ensure they are fully confident.

Year 4 Maths

Year 3 Maths

Have a great weekend.

Mr Dring