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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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Cedar Tree Class Blog


Cedar week 3 Summer 1 w.e 03.05.24

Posted: Apr 30, 2024 by: Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Well what a week of weather! It's allowed us to start our planting 'project' investigation in Science to observe whether putting more than 1 seed in a plant pot affects it's height as it grows. In Maths, both Year groups are investigating money, Year 3 focusing on how to make amounts in pounds and pence, whilst Year 4 have explored writing money as decimals (£2.34). In writing, we have continued our writing based on the Jeremy Strong book 'There's a Pharaoh in my bath' and have planned a recount of a Chapter about the meeting of the 4,000+ year old Sennapod and a family in modern Britain - the Lightspeeds. In R.E, the children have continued to explore the five pillars of Islam and in Art we have explored self portraits using the medium of charcoal. This term the children are developing their cricket skills alongside Sam the coach and Year 4 continue their water safety and endurance skills in the swimming pool. Finally, we were lucky to have a visit from our local PCSO who reminded the children about the importance of staying safe online (connected) which could be laptop, mobile, tablet or games console. It was surprising how many children said they 'connect' online with people that they have never met in real life! We discussed that if we haven't met them in real life and your adults do not know them they are still STRANGERS. Please take some time this weekend to discuss with/remind your child about being safe in our modern, connected world. There are lots of links on our Computing subject page on our website that can support you with this.

Wishing you a very happy bank holiday weekend.

Mr Dring