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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Cherry Tree Class Blog

Cherry Tree Class Blog




Weekly Post 12.03.21

Posted: Mar 12, 2021 by: Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

It has been so good to have all the children back in school.  They have all made a fantastic start!

We have been listening to the story of 'The Three Little Pigs' this week.  We have talked about different versions of the story too.  The children have written character descriptions and have sequenced and re-told the story in their own words.

In maths we have been going back over place value and reminding ourselves of the value of digits and partitioning numbers in different ways.  We have also been solving number sentences involving addition and subtraction.

In science we have been learning about seeds and what conditions they need to grow.  The children have all planted some dwarf sunflowers.  They will be watching them grow and eventually taking them home.

The children have enjoyed talking about Kings and Queens.  They have shown their knowledge gained from their home learning and we have had some really interesting conversations.

Reading books will be changed and ready to take home on Monday.  Please remember to record all your child's home reading so that we know they have completed the books.

The children have all been given spellings to practise for next Friday's test. Maths or English homework will be sent from next Friday.

We have had a very busy week and I am sure the children will be tired.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs Moore