Maple Tree Class - Year 6 (2019-2020)
Year 6 is taught by Mrs Trotter and supported by Mr Smith.
We are looking forward to an exciting and busy year ahead!
To help you to support your child's learning please ensure that they are reading at home at least three times a week.
Homework is given out on a Friday to be completed and handed in on the following Wednesday. Spelling lists are also given out on a Friday to be tested on the following Friday.
PE is on a Monday and Friday - both indoor and outdoor kit is required in school.
Take a look at our new class blog below! You can add to it using Purple Mash. Below is a handy guide I have put together showing you how to find our blog and add your first post.
Log in to Purple Mash here:
As our Year 6 children will have an unusual end to their time in primary school, The Friends of Rufford Park have kindly offered to pay the full cost of the hoodies this year. Please see the letter below for details on how to contact the office regarding permission for your child's name to be included on the hoodie and how you can order the hoodies directly from PC Sports in Yeadon.
Y6 Residential to Peat Rigg - January 2020
Year 6 thoroughly enjoyed their residential at Peat Rigg Outdoor Centre and experienced lots of adventurous activities. Click here to see all the highlights!
Photos of our fantastic trip to Armley Mills
The children had a fantastic time at Armley Mills learning about the Victorian era and attending Victorian school.