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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Beech Tree - Year 4
  3. Beech Tree Home Learning - 1.6.20

Beech Tree Home Learning - 1.6.20


Dear Beech Tree Class,


Hello again! I hope you're all well and have enjoyed your half term week off. I am sure you're becoming quiet creative in thinking of new ways to stay occupied! Remember, while there is plenty of work being set for you, there might be additional things you need to work on like handwriting or word wall spellings. Use your time wisely. 

I cannot believe we are coming into our final half term of the academic year! It really has flown by! I still miss you all but am so looking forward to the day we can all be back together in school safely. I'm trying to stay positive and feel grateful for the opportunities I have had amongst the uncertainty - planning your work in the garden, speaking to family on video calls, enjoying nature ... the list goes on! How are you managing to stay positive?

Your work for the week beginning 1st June is below. Try to have a go at Maths and English especially, Science if you can and anything else is a bonus!


Stay healthy and happy,

Mrs Cahill



Great Science Share for Schools!

(click the image below for guidance on this week's topic)

Great Science Share for Schools-Waste Warrior Week