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Rufford Park Primary School

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree-Home Learning 11.5.20

Willow Tree-Home Learning 11.5.20


Hello Willow Tree Class,

I hope you've all had a good week and have been reading some brilliant books!

I recently found a copy of my favourite joke book from Primary School - it's called The Ha Ha Bonk Book, by the famous Janet and Allan Ahlberg. Here are some that made me laugh!...

How do you know when there's an elephant under your bed?
Your nose touches the ceiling.

What did the big chimney say to the little chimney?
You're too young to smoke.

What do you get if you cross a sheep with a kangaroo?
A woolly jumper.

What are your favourite jokes? Can you make up one of your own?

Here are the new Home Learning resources. Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

I hope you all keep smiling and remain positive :) 

Take care,

Mr Kyriacou

Year 3 Willow weekly Maths/English planner (pdf here)

Year 3 English resources (pdf here)

Year 3 Maths booklet on Statistics - pdf only

Year 3 Maths answer booklet - pdf only

Year 3 Other Subjects menu: free choice of activities (pdf here)

Year 3 research project on the Ancient Egyptians: to continue for 7 weeks (pdf here)

This week’s maths planning uses the above pdf booklets on Statistics. You can adapt these to suit your child’s needs… they don’t need to complete every page of the booklet!

See here for general guidance on home learning. And don’t forget to use our daily timetable to help maintain a routine and not miss anything important – including breaks and physical activity. Good luck!



It is really important you all continue to keep yourselves safe.  As well as following the government guidelines, you need to remember all the things we teach you in school about keeping safe.  You can find information about keeping safe under the 'children' tab on our website.  In school we regularly talk to you about what you should do if you feel worried or upset.  It is important you talk to a trusted adult; remember you need to speak up and stay safe.  Miss Tidey, Mr Cooke and Mrs Moss (our Designated Safeguarding Leads) are still available and can be contacted at school.  If you are unable to talk to a trusted adult at school or at home about a worry you have, then you can speak to someone at ChildLine.  Please click on the following link and spend a few minutes reminding yourself of who you can talk to:  On this page you will also find information on how you can get help if you are worried about anything you see online.  

As you are currently learning from home and could well be spending more time online, it is important you also keep yourself safe on the internet.  Please read (or ask an adult to read to you) our E-Safety Rules; you need to remember and follow these when using the internet at home.   Click on this link to view our E-Safety Rules:

We have also provided parents with information about how to keep children safe online.  Please click on the following link for advice on how to support your child to use the internet safely, responsibly and positively:  On this page there are also links to other websites and resources.